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The Silent yet Deadly Effects of Stress on Your Body

Writer's picture: laila batoollaila batool

You are sleeping a lot, not responding to others, irritated by work, shouting at family and colleagues for no reason, becoming moody, and wanting to cry, which may be effects of stress.

When you are stressed, your body enters into flight or fight mode. The stress hormone cortisol floods your system, speeding your heart rate and causing you to breathe faster so that you can make it through the stressful condition and survive another day. You are prepared to take action. It’s a form of self-defence. Unfortunately, in the modern world, we don’t have to worry about facing down triggers in the wilderness- but our body still reacts as if we do.

Different people associate different things with stress and its effects of Stress. What stresses one individual out might not bother another at all. Stress management skills vary from person to person. Stress isn’t always bad, either. Stress can, in moderation, help you achieve things and keep you safe.

For instance, stress may cause you to slam the brakes to avoid colliding with the vehicle. That’s advantageous. Our bodies are built to handle stress in moderation. However, humans cannot manage persistent, long-term stress without adverse effects. So long-term chronic stress is hazardous for your body and mind effects of stress may be more harmful.

Symptoms of Chronic Stress

How can you identify whether your stress is chronic or not? Here are some symptoms of chronic stress.

  • Irritability

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Headaches

  • Insomnia

  • Headaches

  • Dizziness

  • Body aches and pains

  • Appetite changes

  • Upset stomach, constipation, or diarrhoea

  • Problems concentrating or thinking clearly

  • Mood changes

  • Low energy

  • Trouble having an erection or an orgasm

  • Low libido (loss of interest in sex)

Effect on the Musculoskeletal System

When there is a rapid increase in stress, the effects of stress on the muscles stiffen up all at once and then relax once the stress has subsided. The body’s muscles are more or less always on alert as a result of chronic stress. Long-term muscle tension can potentially cause various bodily reactions and may worsen stress-related diseases.

For instance, persistent muscle tension in the shoulders, neck, and head regions is linked to tension-type and migraine headaches. Effects of stress particularly stress related to the job have also been associated with musculoskeletal pain in the upper and lower extremities.

Effects of Stress on the Digestive System

The Silent yet Deadly Effects of Stress on Your Body

Your liver produces more blood sugar (glucose) when you are under stress to boost your energy. Your body might be unable to cope with this extra glucose spike if you’re under constant stress. Your risk of type 2 diabetes may rise if you experience chronic stress.

The surge of hormones, fast breathing, and elevated heart rate may also affect your digestive system. A rise in stomach acid makes heartburn or acid reflux more likely.

Although a bacteria called H. pylori frequently causes ulcers, stress might raise your risk of developing them and worsen pre-existing ulcers.

Effects of stress can also be seen in the movement of food through your body and cause other digestive problems like diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes severe stomach cramps.

Effects of Stress on the Reproductive System

It is widespread that when someone is not feeling good, they may lose their sexual desire.

If we talk about the effect of stress on the male reproductive system, we must know that short-term stress is not harmful to the male reproductive system. Short-term stress can produce more testosterone in males. But when the stress continues and becomes long, the testosterone level starts to decrease, which can affect the production of sperms in males. Chronic stress can also increase the chances of infections in male reproductive organs, like infections in the testes or prostate glands.

Effects of Stress In Female

In females, chronic stress can also harm the reproductive system. This long-term stress firstly affects the menstrual cycle. They can have irregular, more painful periods.

Effects of Stress on The Immune System

The Silent yet Deadly Effects of Stress on Your Body

Cortisol is one of several glucocorticoids crucial for controlling the immune system and decreasing inflammation. While this is useful in tense or dangerous situations where an injury might lead to greater immune system activation, prolonged stress can lead to poor immune system and HPA axis communication.

Numerous physical and mental health issues, including chronic fatigue, metabolic disorders (such as diabetes and obesity), depression, and immunological disorders, have all been related to the eventual emergence of this poor communication.

Effects of Stress on The Nervous System

The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and parasympathetic system are two components of the autonomic nervous system that directly affect how the body reacts to stress (PNS). The SNS plays a role in the “fight or flight” response when the body is under stress. The body redirects its energy resources to defend itself or run away from the aggressor.

The adrenal glands release adrenalin (epinephrine) and cortisol in response to signals from the SNS. These hormones drive the heart to beat faster, the breathing rate to rise, the blood vessels in the arms and legs to widen, the digestive process to alter, and the blood glucose levels (sugar energy) to rise in response to the emergency.

The SNS response is relatively quick to get the body ready to react to an emergency scenario or acute stress—short-term stressors. The body often returns to its pre-emergency, unstressed state after a crisis has passed.

The PNS, which often has opposite effects to the SNS, aids in this recovery. However, excessive PNS activity can potentially exacerbate stress responses by, for instance, encouraging.

Bronchoconstriction (as in asthma) or increased vasodilation and weakened blood circulation.

The immune system, which can also control stress reactions, is strongly influenced by SNS and the PNS. Since the central nervous system controls the autonomic nervous system and is crucial in evaluating environments as potentially dangerous, it plays a significant role in inducing stress reactions.

Chronic stress, or exposure to stressors over an extended period, can have a long-term negative impact on the body. The body experiences wear and tear as the autonomic nervous system continues to create bodily reactions. Chronic stress affects the neurological system, but what the nervous system does to other bodily systems when constantly activated causes problems.

How to Manage Your Stress

The Silent yet Deadly Effects of Stress on Your Body

If you experience signs of stress, managing the effects of Stress positively impacts your health. Investigate techniques for reducing stress, such as:

  • Using relaxation techniques like massage, yoga, tai chi, meditation, or deep breathing

  • Having a good sense of humour

  • Time spent with friends and family

  • Establishing a time slot for pastimes like reading a book or listening to music

  • Good Bacteria in your stomach may help you to get relief from stress and depression.

Seek out constructive strategies to deal with your stress. While passive activities like watching television, browsing the internet, or playing video games may seem soothing, they can make you feel more stressed in the long run.

Change Your Lifestyle

Also, ensure a lot of sleep and eat a balanced and healthy diet. Try to avoid the use of tobacco, alcohol, and a lot of caffeine. Additionally, try to avoid excess use of the screen.

When to Get Help

Consult a doctor if you’re unsure whether stress is the root of your symptoms or if you’ve tried to manage your stress, but your symptoms persist. Your doctor might wish to look for more potential causes. A professional counsellor or therapist may also be able to assist you in identifying the causes of your stress and acquiring new coping mechanisms. It may happen if the therapist gives you some medicines for relaxation.

Get emergency assistance immediately if you are experiencing chest discomfort, especially if you are also experiencing shortness of breath, jaw or back pain, arm, shoulder, or nausea. These might not just be stress symptoms but rather heart attack warning indicators.

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